Saturday, November 17, 2007

Why Blog....?

Well I have started a blog...Strange that. I never thought I would do such a thing. But then I was truly introduced to blogging via Sew Mama Sew . It completely opened up a new world to me! I can not tell you how inspiring so many other blogs have been to me. Among my favorites are Soule Mama & Angry Chicken . Their blogs are amazing. So why do I want to blog? I keep asking myself. I'm not a writer nor an aspiring one. I'm actually a very private person. I unfortunately daydream about crafting etc. more than I actually do anything. But at least I dream, right? So why? Well I think Amanda at Soule Mama has really inspired me to have a place to remember those special little moments, little joys in this crazy life that sometimes get forgotten in the day to day. Life is passing by so fast especially now with a child & I would like a way to document it a little. I need a place I can go to when things have been hard & I'm feeling blue to remember that life is beautiful & good. And I have a lot to be thankful for in my life & I need to embrace it! But it is so easy for me to get caught up in all the craziness & stresses of life & forget. So I think I truly need this. I'm hoping that I will actually do it!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Very eloquently put, I have those same feelings and you put it into words for me. I'm excited you started a blog.