Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Hair....

I like my hair, I have been blessed with healthy thick hair. I even like the color brown it is. I really like my hair long as the Victorians would say it's my "crowning glory". But it is also my security blanket & if it gets too long I start to feel like it is taking me over completely. I guess in some way I'm hiding behind it. Unfortunately I have this horrible habit of growing it to almost my waist & then getting it chopped. I just let it get too long that I can't stand it & then get too extreme! I had this idea of how I wanted it. Still long but with those nice layers cut into it framing my face. I even had a picture but alas in my zeal I had her cut it too short. Yes I take the blame. So it's basically to my shoulders now with lots of layers starting chin length. It's cute. But not what I wanted. I feel like I have that "mom" haircut! I didn't want that!! I wanted to update my look, I wanted to look hip & stylish! Hah! Maybe I just can't look hip & stylish! I feel like I have that 90's "Friends" haircut. It's funny, what keeps running through my mind is the last time I saw an old boyfriend. 10 years ago! Can't believe it's been that long. We'd been broken up for almost 2 years. We were on friendly terms. I would see him out occasionally. Anyways this one night I was out with some friends~drinking of course. I was definitely a little tipsy. I had just gotten my hair cut that week. Well on my way to the bathroom I saw him & we chatted. He makes the comment about me getting one of those "Friends" haircuts. He wasn't trying to be mean or offend me but WATCH OUT! In my inebriated state I was completely offended & pissed!! Haha! I was such a complete B****! I stormed off in a huff, oh yes so mature for 24! He came over to me later to talk to me & I wouldn't even hardly acknowledge him! So crazy!! I think that was the last time I saw him. Oh well~he was my ex afterall, plus he broke up with me. So maybe I was still harboring bad think?

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