We had a small vegetable garden again this year. Not as big as we would have liked & we are planning on expanding it for next year. It was a bit more successful this year. I've learned alot & hope to put that knowledge into producing an even more successful garden next year. We started with lettuce in the Spring but in pots. Let me tell you it was wonderful! So easy you wouldn't believe & fun to go out there & snip those tender leaves & have an amazingly flavorful salad. We only planted tomatoes, squash & zucchini. The squash & zucchini did much better this year & we ate a ton of it. I was even able to freeze some before the plants were completely taken oven by bugs & disease. Those squash bugs are relentless & quite prolific! The tomoatoes did ok but I wasn't able to can any like I wanted to this year. We are still in a drought here & I don't think I watered them like they needed. We've enjoyed lots of BLT's & fresh salsa though. So now the Summer growing season is coming to a close. Time to start looking ahead to Fall. I'm actually wanting to plant a Fall/Winter garden. Greens, broccoli, cabbage etc. I'm at least going to get some more lettuce growing. I'm also making notes as what I need to do to improve the soil for next year. Our ultimate goal is to grow alot of our own food. But it all takes time, experience & learning from your mistakes...
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