I've been on a journey of sorts since my last post here in February. It all started with of course the economic downturn (oh no it's not a recession, wtf?) I'm not going to lie. Things have been tough the past couple years with me being at home with Georgia. But at the start of the year things just seemed to be getting worse for my family, extended family & others all around. Yet it was hard to find information about what was going on. The government & mainstream media sure won't tell you the truth. So I went on my own search. I even stopped frequenting the blogs I loved because I just couldn't take seeing & hearing all these good & beautiful parts of others lives. It's hard to explain but there were & still are hard times going on & no one was addressing it. It was really getting to me. Also I noticed people weren't posting as often. I feel they may have been having the same feelings & seeing the same things as I but of course didn't want to talk about it on their blog. Which I completely understand. I'm not sure if I should really post this either. But I feel like I need to for my own sanity. And as this is my blog & no one but maybe my cousin reads it I feel like it's ok.
So since then I have been on a journey for the truth for myself & family. I have learned alot, been completely blown away. Have realized all the things my "crazy" husband has told me for the past 11 years may actually be true! Even found out things that he didn't know. Yes, I guess I drank the kool-aid. Call me a conspiracy therorist, etc. I'm not trying to be all chicken little/doom & gloom but I truly feel that we are heading into an extremely hard time for our country & the world economically. Possibly an economic collapse in the U.S., another great depression. I know it's completely unbelieveable, I can't even imagine it! I'm still trying wrap my mind around WHAT IT WILL REALLY MEAN for us if the stock market crashes & our economy collapses. Most of us have only known the good times in this country/world so we have no idea what it was like during the great depression. Yes we've heard stories & have even read about it but we do not know. We always think ~oh, that was so long ago nothing like that could ever happen to us, not here, not now. Well if you just look at history it happens all the time to all of the great empires, ie; Rome. I don't think it's the end of the world/apocalypse but it's going to be "the end of the world as we know it". (sorry that R.E.M. song always comes into my head when I start thinking about all this) I won't go into all of my beliefs, for there are more issues other than economic. My mind is spinning so I know I will not be coherent. Plus there are so many much more intelligent people out there that have it all straight & can explain things. But I will say that I have read & seen so much evidence for the collapse happening I don't think there is anyway around it. No not just a bunch of conspiracy b.s. but real happenings, meetings of congress, the federal reserve, economic analysts & forecasters. All mainstream, all right in front of our face yet hidden. There are so many people out there that have great info for people like me, that want to try to find out the truth & prepare the best we can. I'm not turning my blog into a conspiracy/survivalist blog but I do want to eventually post links to some things I've found on this journey. It's been long & convoluted journey down different paths but with all it's twists & turns it has lead to one end. I don't know, maybe I'm crazy I'm sure lots of people would say that. I hope I'm wrong only time will tell...