I was able to cut these beautiful hydrangeas from my neighbor's yard. I love hydrangeas! They have no scent but they are so beautiful to me. So lush, so summer...
Summer here has consisted of quite a lot of gardening & yard work. I try to get outside early before it gets too hot. We planted a larger garden this year. Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, corn, peppers, beans, okra, cantaloupe & of course lettuce. We actually wanted to plant more but didn't get around to it. But we are planning for our Fall Garden. Trying to freeze/preserve as much as possible. Actually we really want to work towards having a very well stocked pantry in general. We really need a separate freezer. My freezer in my refrigerator is stuffed full at the moment. I cannot fit another thing in there! I also want to can more in the future to free up freezer space & also not be so dependent on electricity. We are lucky that we have never really lost power here, at least not for long. But how terrible would it be to lose power for days?! You would lose your stockpile if you didn't have a generator! Georgia has been the best little helper in the garden. I love that we can share this together.
So it's been quite a long time. Not sure exactly why I haven't been blogging. Too much going on, feeling ambivalent about it all etc, etc. I don't know. But for now I'm ready to add to my special place.